Force of Nature Troubleshooters Book 11 Suzanne Brockmann 9780345480163 Books

Force of Nature Troubleshooters Book 11 Suzanne Brockmann 9780345480163 Books
I adore the story of FBI Agent Jules Cassidy and Robin Chadwick -- those characters are amazing and their story is everything I could hope. As a reader, I would follow them anywhere. The setting and the suspense of the story are also incredible. So I give the book 5 stars, though I was less enamored of the story of Ric and Annie -- thought there needed to be more character development there. It might just be my own preferences. But this book is one that stays on my shelf to read over and over when the mood hits me to return to this universe.
Tags : Force of Nature (Troubleshooters, Book 11) [Suzanne Brockmann] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Hard-driving suspense and intense passion are the hallmarks of bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann’s pulse-pounding thrillers. In her tales of daring,Suzanne Brockmann,Force of Nature (Troubleshooters, Book 11),Ballantine Books,0345480163,Private investigators;Fiction.,Romantic suspense fiction.,Sarasota (Fla.);Fiction.,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,AMERICAN MYSTERY & SUSPENSE FICTION,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction General,Fiction Romance General,Fiction Romance Suspense,Fiction-Romance,GENERAL,General Adult,Private investigators,Romance - Suspense,RomanceGeneral,Romantic suspense fiction,Sarasota (Fla.),United States
Force of Nature Troubleshooters Book 11 Suzanne Brockmann 9780345480163 Books Reviews
Every book this woman writes I read. This book was long awaited. Jules finally gets his happily ever after with the man he has been in love with for quite a few books. Jules is probably my favorite character in the series because he isn't perfect but happy with who he is. I love that he is this strong FBI agent and that everyone looks up to him, but he is also human and doesn't see himself as a hero even though that is what he is in all of the books.
I enjoyed this book very much. There is a lot of suspense, a lot of sexual attraction, scary bad guys, and a couple of great love stories.
Ric Alvarado, an ex-cop in Sarasota, Florida introduced in an earlier book, got his own story. He's a loveable character. Happily, he's sexy, too. I like the heroine, Annie Dugan, too. No Barbie doll, Annie's strong and tough, smart and loyal.
Jules Cassidy and Robin Chadwick are reunited in their on-going story. Martell Griffin, Ric's ex-partner on the police force, is another interesting character. I hope to see him again in a later story.
Although there is a terrorist threat, this book is SEAL free, and I love the SEAL stories, but still, this is an awesome read.
The Troubleshooter series does not disappoint.
Shelley Dawn, author of Sweet, Sweet Jessie and Dark Nights
Force of Nature, like other Brockmann novels from her Troubleshooters series is totally engaging. She has a way of introducing characters that you find out you already know. The characterizations are very real and true even when their abilities exceed credulity, you believe them. In this novel, the main protagonists are antagonistic for a reason we women encounter too often, an over-protective man.
Happily, Annie will pretty much go ahead and do what she needs to do in spite of Ric's over-bearing protection. She makes the developing romance a joy to watch. The story that develops around the romance is yet another nail-biter for the reader.
One thing you will see over and over in my reviews is that any of these books that include FBI agent Jules Cassidy is made richer thereby. His story line is that he is unapologetically himself, good-looking, competent, and, oh by the way, gay. His story line always adds to the main story line in a way that is not intrusive. I have got to say he is my favorite of a cast of a much beloved cast of characters. Read all of these books or some of them in order or no order. It doesn't really matter. You will simply be going for a fun and glorious ride.
First, let me say I think Brockmann is one of the very best writers of romance out there. Her characters have depth, she understands motivation, and is a really good stylist, given the genre. I just discovered her about two months ago, and I've plowed through the entire Troubleshooters series in record time. Now I'm rereading my favorites. Loved Sam, liked Alyssa (she's less developed as a character, but I love the sharpshooting angle), loved Max and Gina, Stan and Teri, Tom and Kelly. Less thrilled with Joan, from Into the Night--I thought she was pretty unlikable as a character, and the romance with Muldoon wasn't really believable. Too much attitude, not enough heart, I thought. My favorite of all the stories, I think, is Hot Target, because I loved both Jane and Cosmo to pieces and I adore Jules. I think he's humane, smart, and as confused about things as most of us are. I can tell the author has a real soft spot for him, too--not surprising given that hr beloved son is gay. I have no problem with gay characters and romances--love comes in all shapes, sizes and seasons. What I was REALLY disappointed in in this book was the hetero romance. Neither Ric nor Annie seemed real or even interesting to me. Ric's a latin hunk, Annie has a wide caboose. That's all I remember about either of them. Frankly it seems that they are only there to provide hetero "cover" of Brockmann's real interest Jules and Robin. I suspect the Jules-Robin story was the one she really wanted to tell, and Ric-Annie were just place-holders. They were nowhere near as developed as any of her other characters,and when you take away the SEAL/Troubleshooter context, there wasn't much to interest me about their story at all. BORING. I sincerely hope she banishes them to the hinterlands of the Troubleshooters world. I am much more interested in Sophia-Decker-Dave, or maybe Gilligan or Lopez...anything but these two!
That said, a few words about Jules and Robin and her handling of the gay love affair. I love them both as characters, and I'm looking forward to their nuptials (yeah, I really don't get why people are so wiggy about gay marriage. Committed relationships make for stable societies. Ergo, more of them are good. Get over it). My only objection why do all the gay characters have to be so gorgeous? This is a real stereotype--surely there are gay men who are average-looking. I mean, there are. I know some. I guess she's trying to hold feminine interest by describing their perfect cheekbones and ripped abs, but really, come on. One of my favorite stories was about Stan and Teri--perfect woman and homely guy who's so much more inside. Can't she do that with gay characters as well? Well, that said, I can't wait to read more about the Troubleshooters and their world. Maybe Ric and Annie can spend the next few books in "an undisclosed location," though!
I adore the story of FBI Agent Jules Cassidy and Robin Chadwick -- those characters are amazing and their story is everything I could hope. As a reader, I would follow them anywhere. The setting and the suspense of the story are also incredible. So I give the book 5 stars, though I was less enamored of the story of Ric and Annie -- thought there needed to be more character development there. It might just be my own preferences. But this book is one that stays on my shelf to read over and over when the mood hits me to return to this universe.

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